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[Vocab] Topic Du lịch

1. To swarm/ be thronged with tourists: chật ních khách du lịch
Example: At weekends, London, in particular, is swarming with tourists, and certain areas of the city such as Oxford Street and Covent Garden are thronged with visitors.

2. To experience phenomenal growth: trải qua một hiện tượng tăng trưởng
Example: In recent decades, there has been a substantial diversification in international tourism destinations, and many developing countries have experienced phenomenal growth in tourist arrivals and receipts.

3. The height of the tourist season: cao điểm mùa du lịch
Example: Mid-summer in the UK is normally the height of the tourist season, so remember to book a hotel in advance.

4. In/Out of season: đúng/không đúng mùa du lịch
Example: If you plan to visit Vietnam out of season, make sure that you avoid the monsoons.

5. To get away from work / to get away from it all: thoát khỏi công việc/cuộc sống hiện tại
Example: Feeling burdened by the load of work, he wished to get away from work/ to get away from it all, escaping the crowd for a while.

6. To travel on a budget: du lịch với ngân sách eo hẹp
Example: Realizing that we are travelling on a budget, we decided to fly economy, not book a guide tour and go for self-catering instead of staying in a hotel.

Source: ST

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